Chamber Ensemble – Duos – Solo – Electronic/Interdisciplinary Work

Chamber Ensembles (with and without electronics)

Time and After (2015-21) for string quartet and live electronics [~20′] commissioned by the Amernet String Quartet

長風吟 (longing wind) (2020) for guzheng (soloist), sheng, piano, percussion, cello, and live electronics [~16′] commissioned by 台北中央C室內樂團  (Taipei Studio C Camerata Ensemble)

…on a poem by Su Tung-Po (2019) for narrator, laptop ensemble (3 players), transducers, unpitched metal percussion, mimed Chinese calligraphy, and feedback [~15′-20′] commissioned for the Foundation for Emerging Technology and the Arts (FETA) Fall 2019 Language Festival

threads of wind (2019) for saxophone quartet and electronics [~15′] commissioned by Quasar Saxophone Quartet

after parting – 在離去之後 (2018) for viola, soprano, clarinets, and live electronics [22′] commissioned by Ammie Brod and the Dal Niente Ensemble

…a thinner partition (2015) for sheng, zhongruan, huqin, and electronics [10′] composed for the Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra, commissioned by the Common Practice 21C Music Festival and the Shepherd School  of Music, Rice University

…spaces to listen to from within (iv) (2015) for Traditional Thai instruments (kong wang lek, kong wang yai, saw sam sai) and live electronics, commissioned by the Asian Young Musicians’ Connection (AYMC)

…spaces to listen to from within (ii) (2014) installation for transducer array, interactive system, and 3-D fabricated sculptures and/or percussion/found objects [16′]

a fragment on leaving (2013) for dadi, pipa, guzheng, and erhu [~5′] written for Chai Found Music Workshop

Having Never Written a Note for Laptop Ensemble (2011) for laptop ensemble [13′-15′] composed for FLEA (FIU Laptop and Electronic Arts Ensemble)

…after a mountain stream rain (谿山遇雨) (2011) for six traditional Chinese instruments [9′] received 3rd place in the Chai Found Lost Music Workshop Formosa Landscape/2011 Sizhu Music Composition Contest

Four Broken Reflections (2010) four duos for two bass clarinets, two violins, two accordions, and two tubas [~8′ total] commissioned by the Machine Project for the Little William Theater/Festival of New Music at the Hammer Museum

I lay my heart deep in the earth (2010) for soprano saxophone, percussion, electric guitar, and live electronics [15′] commissioned by the UCSD Esemble-In-Residence program

Inner Music [2006-07, rev. 2009] for percussion, piano, harpsichord, and live electronics [17′] commissioned by the Contemporary Keyboard Society

The Space Between [2008] for mezzo-soprano, trio, and live electronics

Sing/Lose (2007) for chamber orchestra (15 players) commissioned by the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne for the 2007 Domain Forget Festival of New Music

Time Fixtures (2005-06) for chamber ensemble (11 players) and live surround electronics [13′] composed in fulfillment of the Composer-in-Residence for the McGill Contemporary Music Ensemble, with the assistance of the McGill Digital Composition Studio

Duos (with and without electronics)

“But am I who I was” (2024-25) for soprano, trumpet, and electronics [14′] composed for the Byrne:Kozar:Duo

in the canopy of mist… (2023) for two violins and live electronics [~18’] commissioned by String Noise

“Another Wave” (2022-23) for soprano and piano [~10′] commissioned for the Rising Water Project by the Astralis Duo

…sons disperdu (សម្លេង រសាត់) (2022) for bass clarinet and marimba [10′] composed for Transient Canvas

the wind in the desert (2019-20) for violin and cello [~10′] commissioned by Mari-Liis Paak and Jason Calloway

“…all the trees of the world are like brothers and sisters” (ii) and (iii) (2017-19) for cello and piano [~15′]

all the… (2016-17) for soprano, percussion, and electronics [12′] commissioned by the Aurora Borealis Duo

…spaces to listen to from within (v) (2015) for electric guitar, percussion, and transducers [8′] comissioned by the Living Earth Show

I see two reflections of myself in the mirror (2011) for flute, piano, and live electronics [13′] commissioned by Solomiya Moroz and Keith Kirchoff

Four Broken Reflections (2010) four duos for two bass clarinets, two violins, two accordions, and two tubas [~8′ total] commissioned by the Machine Project for the Little William Theater/Festival of New Music at the Hammer Museum

“Longing, we say” (2007) for violin and violoncello [8′]

Solo (with and without electronics)

on the eve of winter (初冬)(2024) for haegeum and live electronics [15′] commissioned by Jeonghyeon Joo

Winter Vultures (2022-23) for cello and brainwave controlled live electronics [10′] commissioned by Jason Calloway

A Boat Cast Adrift (浮舟) (2020, 2022) for violin and electronics [~9′] composed for Miranda Cuckson

…spaces to listen to from within (vi) (2018, rev. 2020) for piano, brain waves, transducers, and live electronics [~13′]

Rising and Falling in a Hall of Mirrors (homage to James Tenney) (2017, rev. 2019) for cello, brainwaves, and live electronics [~20′] part of the larger …spaces to listen to from within work

stone bells and singing kites (2018) for solo marimba [8′] a gift for Stephen Solook

stone bells and long reeds spinning for in the wind… (2018) for solo piano [~8′] commissioned by Sarah Cahill

a few tones (for Pauline Oliveros) (2017-18) for cello (or any sustaining instrument), brainwaves, transduced metal, and live electronics [~10′-15′] as part of the longer …spaces to listen to from within work

unravelling… (2014, rev. 2017-2108) for solo piano [~12′]

…a darker dawn (2017) for trumpet and live electronics [~8′] commissioned by Andy Kozar

The Floating Bridge of Dreams (夢浮橋) (2015) for violin and live electronics [8′] commissioned by Mari Kimuri

The Floating Boat (浮舟) (2015) for violin and live electronics [~8′] for Jennifer Choi

Trefoil Knots (総角) (2014 – 15) for cello and live electronics [10′] commissioned by Jason Calloway

…spaces to listen to from within (iii) (2014-15) for prepared guitar, transduced metal, and live electronics [10′] commissioned by Federico Bonacossa

…spaces to listen to from within (i) for performer, transduced tam-tam, and live electronics [10′]

threads unraveling… (2014) for piano and live electronics [11′] for piano and live electronics

Vanished into the Clouds (雲隠) (2012-2013) for cello and live electronics [11′] commissioned by Jason Calloway

across an ocean, across the land… (2011-12) for solo laptop, laptop ensemble, or playback with video [~30′] composed for FLEA (FIU Laptop and Electronic Arts Ensemble)

Wind in Spring (2010-11) for alto flute and live electronics [~18′] commissioned by Carla Rees and the rarescale duo

Resonances (2004-06, revised 2010-11) for metallic percussion and live electronics [14′]

From Silence, I Rise (2010) for guzheng and live electronics [15′] commissioned by Yi-Chieh Lai

Falling (2010) multi-media work for toy piano, sine waves, and projected video stills [100′]

“…wash yourself of yourself” (2009-10) for piano and performed live electronics [20′ – 80′] written for Chen-Hui Jen

until we remain suspended… (2009, video 2012) for Tibetan bells and live electronics, with optional live monochromatic video projection [~20′ – 60′]

Electronics and/or Interdisciplinary Work

…on a poem by Su Tung-Po (2019) for narrator, laptop ensemble (3 players), transducers, unpitched metal percussion, mimed Chinese calligraphy, and feedback [~15′-20′] commissioned for the Foundation for Emerging Technology and the Arts (FETA) Fall 2019 Language Festival

One Table, Two Chairs (2017) music for dance by Cambodian dancer/choreographer Chey Chankethya [10′]

La Cole (2017) installation for nine suspended transduced 3-D printed objects designed by the MONAD Studio [indefinite duration]

Inside/Out (2017) music for dance work by Cambodian dancer/choreographer, Chey Chankethya [20′]

Intermezzo (2014) for live electronics [~5′-7′]

across the land… (2011-13) for playback and video by Jacek Kolasinski

dawning clouds (2012-13) interactive sound installation for toy piano and live electronics [indefinite duration] commissioned for the Game Show Exhibition by the City of Miami Beach and FIU

across an ocean, across the land… (2011-12) for solo laptop, laptop ensemble, or playback with video [~30′] composed for FLEA (FIU Laptop and Electronic Arts Ensemble)

Having Never Written a Note for Laptop Ensemble (2011) for laptop ensemble [13′-15′] composed for FLEA (FIU Laptop and Electronic Arts Ensemble)

Falling (2010) multi-media work for toy piano, sine waves, and projected video stills [100′]

until we remain suspended… (2009, video 2012) for Tibetan bells and live electronics, with optional live monochromatic video projection [~20′ – 60′]